Rudgwick in the Great War

Rudgwick Preservation Society
Centenary of the Armistice 1918-2018

Rudgwick’s Great War, Volumes 1 and 2 now available!

See  Publications for full details.

Here is a quick link to the parish war memorial in Holy Trinity Church: Rudgwick War Memorial.

In the process of researching Rudgwick’s Great War, we have discovered the names for many more Rudgwick deaths in the war. Some are very closely linked to Rudgwick, some more tenuously. Most newly found men are commemorated elsewhere. The criteria used to include them are wide ranging, from birth and baptism, through school and employment, and of course the homes of parents and siblings, or wives. Most, but not all, had moved away before 1914. A few had parents or wives who moved into Rudgwick in the war. We do not know how the chosen ones came to be named in the church, but a few of those have lesser criteria to be named than some newly discovered names. It would be invidious however to downplay their link or their sacrifice. For an analysis of this, please read the book!

For more detail on all the men of Rudgwick who lost their lives click here: Roll of Honour.

Since publication, further research in the registers of Rudgwick School, matched with information online, has revealed several more names. They can be found here: addendum Vol 1, fatalities.

Here also is the addendum for those who served and returned. Please buy the books if you wish to see the full list. addendum Vol 1, survived.

FINALLY, when the new memorial was erected at Rudgwick School in July 2019, the school was presented with copies of a booklet specially printed for the event, and to inform teachers and pupils of the background to the men’s deaths.

The booklet is available to buy from the online publisher, Use search term ‘Rudgwick’. It can also be downloaded using the links below.

Rudgwick School A Great War Report, Contents: Rudgwick School Report colour

Cover design: cover.


The cost of installing the Welsh slate plaque was sponsored by J Gumbrill Monumental Masons, part of Freeman Brothers, Undertakers, Horsham, to whom we will always be indebted. Surplus funds from the sale of Rudgwick’s Great War were also used.

Below: left to right, Headteacher Serena Nicholls, Stephen Woods great grandson of first headmaster Charles Woods, Annissa Zitouni J Gumbrill, Becky Hughes Freeman Bros, Roger Nash Preservation Society, Cllr David Buckley Chairman of Governors.


The plaque was unveiled by the head boy and head girl, and the ceremony completed by Rev Roy McAllan, Rudgwick resident and former army chaplain. A school choir sang appropriate songs.


The only remaining Rudgwick relative of any of the men named on the memorial is Tony Mariner, great nephew of Luke Mariner, seen here with his wife, Dot.


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